Update 31/07/2023

Hey all! 

Just another quick update here. 

Not much has happened since the last post at the beginning of May. In the last month or so, I've mostly been working on level design and getting it to look like it's part of the SWTOR era. I have spent a lot of time getting together assets and 3D Models to help make the game have the correct feel to it. Along with this, the HUD has been finalised as you can see in the images above. I wanted to go with a HUD that makes the player feel like they're in their own Sith Armour. 

Alongside this, work has begun on importing weapons and characters into the game engine. This has been done with the help of the excellent 42Pixels who has kindly been helping with the Melee Weapons. In the images above you can see the VibroSword and Training Saber that will be 2 of the melee weapons available in the game. Alongside this, I've been working on the animations for the Blasters, the first of which is the Sith Assault Rifle. 

In the last post I stated that I was getting close to having the story where I want it to be and I'm pleased to say that the story is fully written and complete and flows smoothly, it's just gonna be a case of implementing that story into gameplay and making it make sense in game. I've been working on a lot of the Objectives/Missions for each level and how the player will go about completing these objectives, but implementation of this will come at a later date.

With all of this happening, I am hoping to release a Demo by the end of the year to showcase what is to come in the full game. This release will have a limited amount of weapons in comparison to what will be in the full game, but will still be fun to play. 

Cheers guys! 

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