Update 08/05/2023

Hey Guys! 

Just wanted to share an update on what's been going on with Darkness Rising and the Production side of the game! 

Since the last update there has been a LOT happen with the design of the game and a lot of new decisions have been made in regards to gameplay, game modes, etc. The first thing I'd like to announce isn't all that huge, but the Menu design is completely finished and fully working. (Not huge, but it was something I struggled with to get looking good). Secondly, level design has moved forward a lot more than the last update where I was struggling to progress at all. With some of the levels, I've started to totally revamp the way some of them look to make them look more like they're in the Old Republic era than a random Sci Fi game. Alongside that, I've been working hard to bring the levels to life with different effects, particles and lighting, which again, has been a bit of a struggle, given that I'm a new game developer. Even the HUD has been fixed to look a lot better and look game ready! 

So, onto the next announcement. This one was teased when this Itch.io page was first started. I'm very happy and excited to announce that alongside the main campaign, there will be THREE separate game modes in the game. I've not decided on whether these will be available at launch or not, but the game modes will be the following: 

  • Extraction: Fight your way through enemy territory and retrieve the "Package" and then make your way to an extraction point where your shuttle will retrieve you. 
  • Takedown: Make your way to a vantage point, through stealth or not, pick up your sniper rifle and take out your high value target. 
  • Outbreak: Survive for as long as you can until help arrives... If it arrives. (Round based survival)

I've been working on the ideas for these game modes alongside the story for the campaign and I'm really liking how the ideas are turning out. Work hasnt really began on the level design for these game modes, but the plan is in place for them. 

And finally, I've been doing a lot more work on the story and I'm getting to a point where I think it's flowing well and starting to come together in a good way and starting to flow a lot smoother than it was since the last update. I've been doing a lot of research on different planets and locations within The Old Republic era and what places would be a good fit for my game and I think the locations Ive decided on will be pretty good when they're done. There's a lot of places that should be recognisable to fans of SWTOR. 

I'm hoping to have a lot more progress to show by the next update, and I'm hoping to start work on a demo to release by the end of the year. 

Cheers guys! See you in the next update! 

**All in game screenshots are subject to change and/or improvement.

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