Soundscape Tests

Hi guys! 

Just a quick update here! 

So lately there hasnt been much in the ways of gameplay progression, nothing massive is yet to happen besides a little bit of level building, and even then, that hasnt gone far. I've mostly been focusing on getting the story right which is proving to be a lot more difficult than I imagined it would be. The hardest part I've found is consistency with the story and not have it randomly go off on a tangent and make absolutely no sense, and with that, I've deleted level ideas, or pushed them to the sides to be used at a later time. There is still a lot to do for the story to fill it out, but with that being said, the beginning, middle and end are more or less set in stone at this point and it's just a case of how to get to each part and keep it interesting. 

On the side of gameplay, I've been playing around with the soundscape lately and I've released a video on the YouTube page that shows some of this in action. Feel free to check it out! 

Keep an eye out for more updates! 

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